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Photos provided by Game schedules, scores, and information are posted on the website.
Around the FieldsHome RunsG1 Latin America at CanadaG2 East at CantralG3 Asia Pacific at Puerto RicoG4 Host at SoutheastG5 East at SouthwestG6 Puerto Rico at Europe-AfricaG7 Southeast at WestG8 Central at SoutheastG9 Asia-Pacific at CanadaG10 Host at SouthwestG11 Europe-Africa at Asia PacificG12 Southwest at SoutheastG13 Latin America at Puerto RicoG14 East at WestG97 Central at CanadaG98 Euro-Africa at HostG15 Latin America at Asia PacificG16 East at SouthwestGame 99 ChallengerG17 Int Semi: Latin America at Puerto RicoG18 US Semi: West at EastG19 Final: Puerto Rico at West